Thanks to the growing field of epigenetics, we’re learning more about the interplay of genetic inheritance and environment in disease development and how we can mitigate it.
5 Ways Childhood Trauma Affects My Adult Relationships
Personal Perspective: The long-tail effects of trauma can be painful, but I’ve found that healthy, fulfilling relationships are possible.
Surviving the Impossible: Reflections on Suicide Loss
Personal Perspective: I lost my brother to suicide and thought I would never recover. Eight years later, I have identified strategies that have helped me overcome this nightmare.
8 Tenets of Dynamic Friendship for Neurodivergent Women
Neurodivergent women navigate friendships in unique ways. Learn science-backed strategies to build connections that honor your needs, energy, and authenticity.
Can We Distinguish and Measure Self-Transcendent States?
Being able to distinguish and measure 15 distinct self-transcendent states is an important step toward a better understanding of these states and interventions that can foster them.
In Praise of Guilt
Guilt can be a festering wound that follows you throughout life, or it can be a catalyst for change that promotes growth and transforms you into a better version of …
Finding Healing Through Art: A Case Study in Art Therapy
Art Therapy is a powerful form of psychotherapy that uses creative expression to help individuals explore emotions, process trauma, and find pathways to healing. Unlike traditional talk therapy, Art Therapy …
Milgram’s Obedience to Authority Experiment Comes Home
Stanley Milgram’s findings on obedience to authority seem prescient today
Is Your Partner Keeping Score in Your Relationship?
When your relationship partner has crossed a line and hurt you, they might try to dredge up the past to justify their actions. But doing so can jeapordize your relationship …
Staying Too Long in a Bad Thing
We might know in our heart of hearts it’s time to go, yet struggle to make the final decision.