Many narcissists are lonely. They erect walls for protection as they are vulnerable and apprehensive about intimacy.
Battle Burnout: 6 Practices to Promote Resilience at Work
Burnout from chronic stress, characterized by exhaustion and disengagement, is a risk in all occupations. Fortunately, these practices build resilience to help prevent burnout.
6 Signs Your Relationship May Not Be Worth the Fight
Are you overlooking hidden signs that your relationship might not work out? Discover the subtle cues that could signal deeper incompatibilities.
Moving From Regret to Action: What Can You Do Today?
Regrets are hard to face, but they’re powerful teachers. Learn how to use past mistakes to make wiser choices and shape a future with fewer “what ifs.”
Why Do We Hate?
Hate is a learned behavior, not merely an emotion. It arises from fear but can be unlearned through education, empathy, and meaningful conversations that promote understanding.
Making It OK to Be Wrong
I teach a course in critical thinking. Here’s how my students helped me to understand how you can change people’s minds.
Is This High-Conflict Divorce or Litigation Abuse?
Learn how to distinguish between litigation abuse and high-conflict divorce. Shared decision-making is impossible when one party is determined to dominate the other.
How Defensive Pessimism Complicates Managing Anxiety
Defensive pessimism may be helpful in small doses, but it may easily contribute to the maintenance of highly skewed and negative thinking that is difficult to challenge.
Traveling the Stages of Grief Over Current Events
Are you experiencing “sociopolitical grief?” The current state of global events may be pushing people to their emotional limits right now. Don’t go it alone!
Neurodiversity Affirming Assessments for Autism and ADHD
With the explosion of the neurodiversity movement, many autistic and ADHD adults are finally getting answers about themselves. Formal assessments can be an important piece of the puzzle.